It's been an interesting few weeks - heck, it's been an interesting few years! Life has thrown so many unexpected curves at us that sometimes all I can do is shake my head. I might not believe all of this happened if I hadn't lived it myself.
What started out as an innocent Wednesday morning on April 27, 2011 ended up completely changing my life. By the end of that day I was homeless and traumatized by what will go down in history as one of the worst days the state of Alabama has ever seen. I'm so thankful and blessed that God spared my life that day.
What started out as a way to let everyone know what happened that day turned into a private journal that helped me release some of the pain and heartache I carried with me. Originally I planned to keep the journal for a year so our future children would have a detailed record of our first year of tornado recovery. I think that journal was meant for a higher purpose though. It does something that no one has done before. It lets people into the heart and mind of one survivor during an entire year of their life. It's scary knowing that soon anyone will be able to know every thought I had for a year, good and bad, but I think it's something God wanted me to do. He gave me a miracle, and then He gave me a voice.
The last few weeks I've spent the nights after work getting the book ready to be published. It's available online now and in the next few days copies will be available from me. I have a local book signing in the works too. If you read my book and you like it please help spread the word about it. I don't know what this road in life holds for me, but I feel like God is holding my hand leading me where He wants me to go right now. All I have to do is follow.
Book Information:
Sheltered By God: A Year in the Life of An April 27, 2011 Tornado Survivor
Available on:
Barnes and Noble:
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