Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Moore Tornadoes, Moore Heartache

It's been awhile since I've written. I've had a lot on my mind the last few weeks, mainly tornadoes and the people of Oklahoma who were slammed with storms and tornado warnings almost daily for weeks. The worst of those being the EF5 that struck the town of Moore. I heard about the tornado on the radio as I was driving home from work that Monday afternoon, and I felt God pulling at me to do something. I came home, turned on the TV, and couldn't turn away from the coverage from Oklahoma. I cried when I heard about the children who lost their lives inside of that elementary school. That pulling at my heart grew even stronger. For the last two years I've said that when God calls me to do something, I'm going to do my best to listen. Two years ago God answered when I called on Him, and I will spend the rest of my life trying to do the same.

As soon as I told my husband that I felt God pulling at me to do something to help, he stood by me. The only problem was that I didn't have a clue where to start. The next day, reliving some of the emotions I went through on April 28, 2011 (the morning after I survived), I made a post on Facebook about sending gift cards to Moore Oklahoma. Then I sent an email to Holly Hollman, who wrote the two month anniversary story on my family back in 2011 when she worked for the paper. Holly now works for the city of Athens. I asked if she knew of any place that might be willing to let me set up on a Saturday and collect gift cards. Well, with God leading the way Holly secured the Athens Police Department as our drop off point. She also contacted the local media to get coverage about the gift card drive. I owe a lot to her for getting everything going. I had no idea what would happen when I sent her that email, but God knew.

I didn't know if anyone would even show up that day at the police department. We were there a few minutes before 10 to start setting up, and the first person stopped by and dropped off $100, before we even got our table set up. And people just kept coming. I set a personal goal of raising $4,027 in gift cards, in remembrance of 4-27-2011, the day I was given a second chance at life. We didn't reach the $4,027, but we have raised an incredible $2,730 so far. Two shipments of gift cards for the town of Moore.

I thank the people of North Alabama for caring so much. Every person who came out, helped touched my heart. There were other survivors from April 27 who came out. There was even a couple from Moore Oklahoma, who now live in North Alabama who stopped by to help out. To each of you who stepped up and gave from your heart, no matter the amount, THANK YOU! I thank you, and more importantly the people of Moore thank you. I've walked in their shoes so I can say that. You may think that you were doing something good for the people of Oklahoma, but what you didn't know is that you were also helping to heal me. When I see tornado damage on the news, especially the large destructive ones, it takes a part of my heart back to the day I was standing there in the rubble lost and confused. When you reached out your hand to the residents of Moore, without realizing it, you reached your hand out to me and pulled me back from the memories that haunt me.

One of the things I remember the most from two years ago is that Mother's Day was about two weeks after the tornado. One of the local churches made baskets, and church members were walking around neighborhoods giving them out. A lady came up me when she found out we were the homeowners. She held out the basket to me and told me that they were for Mother's Day. I shook my head and told her that I wasn't a mother yet. She looked at me, placed the basket in my hands, and said "Take it anyway". I will always remember that moment. For some of the residents of Moore, receiving your gift cards will be that moment for them. They may not know your names, but they will never forget you.

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